a fool with a tool is still a fool


Hipp & K. Wengel (2014)

"Application of systemic questions."
In Schmid & König: Exercises and interventions for the professional development of coaches, team coaches, change agents, organisational developers and managers.

J. Hipp & K. Wengel (2014)

"Career and life planning in coaching practice."
In: Ryba, Pauw, Ginati, Rietmann (Eds.). Coaching professionally. The method book: experiential knowledge and intervention techniques from 50 coaching experts. Beltz Publishers.

J. Hipp & K. Wengel (2010)

"Career in crisis."
In: Dollinger, Müller - Kalthoff, Schmidt: Beratung in der Krise - Wirksame Beratungskonzepte und Interventionen in Krisenzeiten.

K. Wengel (2008).

„Human resources in the context of complexity, dynamics and changing values - Professionalisation models in the field of human resources.”

Verlag Dr. Müller. ISBN 978-3-8364-7041-4.

J. Hipp & K. Wengel (2007).

"Guided fantasies in (career) coaching."
In: C. Rauen (ed.). Coaching tools II - Successful coaches present intervention techniques from their coaching - practice.

K. Wengel & J. Hipp (2005).

„Innovation bridges for change managers.“
In: LO - Learning Organisation. Journal for systemic management and organisation, No. 24, November/December.

Innovation bridges for change managers.

Wer Veränderungen plant, richtet seinen Blick im Idealfall darauf, was in Zukunft getan werden soll. Dabei laufen ManagerInnen leicht Gefahr, das Bisherige abzuwerten und sich nur auf das Neue zu konzentrieren. Ein Vorgehen, durch das sich Führungskräfte wie Mitarbeiter häufig abgewertet fühlen und in der Folge Widerstand entwickeln. Die von Katja Wengel und Joachim Hipp entworfene „Innovationsbrücke“ sorgt dafür, dass ein guter Übergang zwischen dem guten Bewährten und dem interessanten Neuen entsteht und Veränderung auf diese Weise in eine förderliche Balance gebracht wird.

K. Wengel & J. Hipp (2005).

"This is exactly how our departmental meeting should be one day". - Accompanying change in organisations with dialogue.
In: Hartkemeyer, J. & M. The Art of Dialogue - Discovering Creative Communication.

J. Hipp & K. Wengel (2004).

"Career Mosaic- Orientation on the professional and career path"
In: C. Rauen (ed.). Coaching tools- Successful coaches present 60 intervention techniques from their practice.

J. Hipp (2003)

"The narrative school of thought in counselling."
In: Profile - International Journal for Change, Learning, Dialogue, Volume 06-2003.

B. Schmid & J. Hipp (2003).

"Contract design in coaching."
In: Organisational Consulting - Supervision and Coaching, Vol. 10/2003.

B. Schmid & J. Hipp (2002).

"Five perspectives on successful coaching."
In: Coaching Magazine

J. Hipp & B. Schmid (2002)

"Variations on the concept of coaching."
In: Coaching Magazine

J. Hipp & B. Schmid (2002)

"Perspectives on fractal counselling".
In: LO -Lernende Organisation. Journal for systemic management and organisation, No. 10, November/December.

B. Schmid & J. Hipp (2002).

"Personality and service requirements in a complex world".
In: LO -Learning Organisation. Journal for Systemic Management and Organisation, No. 8, July/August.

B. Schmid & J. Hipp (2002).

Presence and force field.
In: Connection special - System Mensch. II/2002, 48-52.

J. Hipp (2001).

"On the art of seeing the forest and the trees - Intuition as a tool in complex situations."
In: Institutsschriften.

B. Schmid & K. Wengel (2001).

The theatre metaphor - perspectives in coaching, human resource and organisational development.
In: Profile - International Journal for Change, Learning, Dialogue, Volume 01-2001.

B. Schmid & J. Hipp (1999).

"Individuation and Personality as Narrative"
In: Journal of Systemic Therapy, 1-99.

B. Schmid, J. Hipp & S. Caspari (1999)

"Intuition in the professional encounter"
In: Journal of Systemic Therapy, 3-99.


"Intuition in the professional encounter"(PDF)

B. Schmid & J. Hipp (1999).

"Metamorphoses of team development"
In: Organisational Development, 3-99.

B. Schmid & J. Hipp (1998).

"Power and powerlessness in dilemma situations."
In: Institute Papers.

B. Schmid & J. Hipp (1998).

"Five perspectives on organisational and human resource development."
In: Institute Papers.

B. Schmid & J. Hipp (1998).

"Vertical and horizontal foci."
In: Institute Papers.

B. Schmid & J. Hipp (1997).

"Setting the scene for innovation - Design and direction for management and consulting using the example of integrated human resource work."
In: Institute Papers.

B. Schmid & J. Hipp (1998).

"Thoughts on possibilities of dynamising change in organisations."
In: Institute Papers.

B. Ahrens, T. Mosblech & M. Vogel (2013)

Passung ins System – Möglichkeiten einer systemischen Personalauswahl.
In: Vogel, M. (ed.) Organisations out of order. Extraordinary observations of organisational practice, pp. 110-126. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.