Oliver König

Oliver studied adult education and education management and gained internal experience as a personnel developer at a bank, lecturer at universities and project manager at an educational institute.
He supports organisations in their strategic orientation and accompanies transformation processes. He has significant expertise and passion for developing coherent change processes, which he conducts in various industries and company sizes. He is actively involved as a lecturer/master at isb Wiesloch and as a Senior Coach with the German Federal Coaching Association.
Current areas of focus
Organisational development
- Strategic corporate alignment
- Disruptive Transformation
- Building an agile/learning organisation
- Divisional development
- Leadership curricula
- StartUp acceleration
- Leadership Coaching
- Career-Life-Coaching
- Change Coaching
- 2008: Argo Institute: Transactional Analysis Foundation Course
- 2008-2010: Ruth Cohn Institute for TCI international: Basic training in theme-centred interaction
- 2009-2012: Institute for Systemic Consulting, Wiesloch: Junior Professionals, Coaching and Team Development II
- 2015: Otto Scharmer, MITx; Theory U: Transforming Business, Society and Self
- 2016: Matthias zur Bonsen: Dynamic Facilitation + Wisdom Council
- 2017: IDEO: Human Centered Design - Design Thinking
- 2017: Institute for Systemic Consulting, Wiesloch: Master's Degree
- 2018: Agile organisational development and collegial leadership, nextU
- 2019-2021: Mindfulness training, Benediktushof
- 2022-2024: Hephaistos Coaching Centre: Masterclass Coaching - Klaus Eidenschink
- Schmid, Bernd; König, Oliver (2014) Train the Coach: Methods. Exercises and interventions for the professional development of coaches, team coaches, change agents, organisational developers and managers.
- König, Oliver (2014) Reflecting Team. In: Train the Coach: Methods.
- König, Oliver (2014) Theatermetapher. In: Train the Coach: Methods.
- König, Oliver (2014) Flyer work. In: Train the Coach: Methoden.
- Schmid, Bernd; König, Oliver (2017) Train the Coach: Concepts. Models and theories for the professional development of coaches, team coaches, change agents, organisational developers and managers.
- König, Oliver; Schmid, Bernd (2017) Competence dimensions for professional development. In: Train the Coach: Concepts.
- König, Oliver; Steinhilber, Silas (2017) Teamwork. In: Train the Coach: Concepts.
- König, Oliver (2019) Mindful Leadership. The importance of mindful leadership in coaching. In: Coaching Magazine, 2-2019
- König, Oliver; Graf, Marco (2021): Career coaching of top athletes. Finding new paths on unknown terrain. In: Coaching Magazin 4/2021