Sebastian Mauder

Sebastian Mauder

Sebastian is an expert in leadership, leadership coaching and cultural consulting.

He is passionate about personal development, and his fascination lies in human interaction. With enthusiasm and a keen sense of the situation, Sebastian moderates and accompanies conferences, leadership workshops, and culture development processes.

With a degree in law, his strengths include structure and finding the right words. During a year abroad in the USA, he studied Alternative Dispute Resolution and worked as a mediator at the local court. After completing his legal training, he began his career as a junior management trainee at the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit). Subsequently, as a leadership expert, he accompanied executives at all levels in their everyday work - individually as well as in their teams. Gradually, he expanded his expertise to include organizational development and performance management.

Since 2015, he has also worked as a self-employed systemic consultant and coach and as a trainer. In 2016, he published the book "Tabu - versteckte Regeln und ungeschriebene Gesetze in Organisationen" (Taboo - hidden rules and unwritten laws in organisations) with Haufe-Verlag.


Current areas of focus:


Leadership development

  • Leadership support (shadowing)
  • Development Feedback
  • Leadership & interaction training


Organizational and Cultural Development

  • Cultural analysis and consulting
  • Developing visions for the future
  • Working with mission statements
  • Performance management consulting



  • Personal development
  • Executive coaching
  • Professional coaching
  • Mental preparation for personal challenges


Conflict management

  • Mediation
  • Conflict counselling
  • Conflict Management Training


Personal qualifications of more than 10 days duration:

  • 2012-2013: Michael Löhner - The ethics of leadership: ethics, personality, responsibility, trust
  • 2013-2014: Leadership hoch 3 Academy - Collective leadership, from a "I" to a "WE" culture
  • 2014: Beyond Leadership Academy - The power of connecting
  • 2014-2016: Institute for Systemic Consulting, Wiesloch - Systemic Consulting for Young Professionals I & II
  • 2017: Thorsten Heilig COO Movel - agile working principals - why agile? digitised business needs new organisation
  • 2018: nextU - Certification "Agile thinking and organisational development in new organisational forms"


My ambition is for people to become greater through their interaction with each other.