Sebastian Mauder

Sebastian is an expert in leadership, leadership coaching and cultural consulting.
He is passionate about personal development, and his fascination lies in human interaction. With enthusiasm and a keen sense of the situation, Sebastian moderates and accompanies conferences, leadership workshops, and culture development processes.
With a degree in law, his strengths include structure and finding the right words. During a year abroad in the USA, he studied Alternative Dispute Resolution and worked as a mediator at the local court. After completing his legal training, he began his career as a junior management trainee at the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit). Subsequently, as a leadership expert, he accompanied executives at all levels in their everyday work - individually as well as in their teams. Gradually, he expanded his expertise to include organizational development and performance management.
Since 2015, he has also worked as a self-employed systemic consultant and coach and as a trainer. In 2016, he published the book "Tabu - versteckte Regeln und ungeschriebene Gesetze in Organisationen" (Taboo - hidden rules and unwritten laws in organisations) with Haufe-Verlag.
Current areas of focus:
Leadership development
- Leadership support (shadowing)
- Development Feedback
- Leadership & interaction training
Organizational and Cultural Development
- Cultural analysis and consulting
- Developing visions for the future
- Working with mission statements
- Performance management consulting
- Personal development
- Executive coaching
- Professional coaching
- Mental preparation for personal challenges
Conflict management
- Mediation
- Conflict counselling
- Conflict Management Training
Personal qualifications of more than 10 days duration:
- 2012-2013: Michael Löhner - The ethics of leadership: ethics, personality, responsibility, trust
- 2013-2014: Leadership hoch 3 Academy - Collective leadership, from a "I" to a "WE" culture
- 2014: Beyond Leadership Academy - The power of connecting
- 2014-2016: Institute for Systemic Consulting, Wiesloch - Systemic Consulting for Young Professionals I & II
- 2017: Thorsten Heilig COO Movel - agile working principals - why agile? digitised business needs new organisation
- 2018: nextU - Certification "Agile thinking and organisational development in new organisational forms"
My ambition is for people to become greater through their interaction with each other.