Dr. Aischa Astou Saw


Astou supports people and organizations in finding meaning in their own actions, living authenticity and making a tangible impact. In doing so, she combines scientific findings from her academic work with over 15 years of practical experience. As a manager, she herself was responsible for over 70 people.

She holds a doctorate in economics and lives with her family near Frankfurt am Main.


Main areas of work:

Leadership development

  • Shaping the leadership role and one's own leadership identity
  • Leadership behavior and leadership styles
  • Designing effective leadership teams
  • Female leadership (including political skills, dealing with power dynamics, career-life balance)

Organizational development

  • Strategic corporate and divisional alignment
  • Transformation support
  • Team development
  • Cultural development
  • Keynotes and presentations, e.g. on new work, positive leadership


  • Challenging leadership situations and development of leadership identity
  • Support in challenging change situations
  • Development of effective leadership teams
  • Female leadership (e.g. political skills, dealing with power dynamics, career-life balance)


Qualifications & Certifications 

Personal Qualifications

  • Doctorate in Leadership and Strategic Management (WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management)
  • Master of Business Administration (Pepperdine University, Los Angeles)
  • Diploma in Business Administration (University of Mannheim)
  • Training in Systemic Organizational Development, Change & Transformation and Master Group (isb Wiesloch)


Professional experiences

  • Teaching trainer at isb Wiesloch & member of the advisory board
  • Member of the supervisory board of Phineo
  • Guest lecturer in university teaching
  • 2022-2023 Director Learning and Development (division management) at KPMG
  • 2019-2022 Managing Director of the KfW Foundation              
  • 2013-2019 Director of the Human Resources department at KfW Bankengruppe
  • 2010-2012 Research assistant at WHU and freelance organizational consultant
  • 2007-2010 Transformation consultant and executive assistant at SAP



Saw, A. A., & Heyne, S. (2017), Die Konzeption und erfolgreiche Verankerung eines organisationsspezifischen Kompetenzmodells am Beispiel der KfW. In: Eigenschaften und Kompetenzen von Führungspersönlichkeiten (pp. 221-235). Springer Fachmedien 

Kaufmann, L., & Saw, A. A. (2014), Using a multiple-informant approach in SCM research, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 

Ehrgott, M., Saw, A.A., Kaufmann, L., & Reimann, F. (2011), Die Kunst des Entscheidens, io Management, 4, April 2011