"Wer weiß, wie er den Karren in den Dreck gefahren hat, weiß noch lange nicht, wie er wieder herauskommt." (Gunthard Weber)

Team Development

In today's contexts, teams are less and less people sitting in a common office, but rather people sharing a common responsibility - sometimes scattered across different locations and countries. These teams need a culture of collaboration. (shared goals, responsibilities, understanding of roles, communication processes, ground rules, etc.)

We offer customised workshop- and team development concepts for the development of your (project) teams.

Occasions for team development:

  • Merging of multiple teams (e.g. in a phase of restructuring)
  • Leadership and personnel changes within the team
  • Task and role changes within the team
  • Dissatisfaction and conflicts within the team
  • Team building
  • Formation of a project team
  • Quality and performance issues within the team
  • Strategic realignment of a team

Team development can be used before, after or alongside change processes. Effective teams use common goals, values and communication processes to develop from within and use existing differences between team members constructively.

Procedure in team development

Every team development is different. Every team is unique. That's why we don't have a standard approach, but a customised procedure for your challenges.

Questions that guide us in this process:

  • What goals does the team leader have for the team development?
  • What are the different goals and what are the reservations on the part of the team?
  • What previous experiences with team development or team workshops are relevant?
  • What previous experiences with team development or team workshops are relevant?
  • How does the team shift from problem descriptions to developmental goal descriptions and measures?
  • How can the sustainability of the team development be ensured?


Team development is not synonymous with an outdoor event. However, depending on the objectives, we may incorporate outdoor elements to allow the team to experience collaboration, recognize typical interaction patterns, build trust, and develop solutions playfully.

Or perhaps simply to increase or regain the joy of working together as a team.



Visualisation method for success factors

Twin Star - Solutions from another star (according to B. Furman / T. Ahola):

The 8 factors of interpersonal relationships that have a particularly strong influence on the psychological well-being of a team are:


Twin Star